Tech Talk with Jennifer Bailey

September 08, 2023
  • Firm
Meet Jennifer Bailey, Head of Reference Data Systems, and learn how she has navigated career transitions by embracing learning experiences, celebrating failures and the importance of building communities through her involvement with Women in Technology (WIT).

You’ve been with BBH for over 25 years. Can you tell us more about your career path?

After joining BBH right out of college in 1996, I enrolled in a year-long graduate rotational program. I was ecstatic to join this prestigious program because it gave me the opportunity to be a part of a different teams within Systems. After completing the rotational program, I joined the Application Web Development team. I have always loved a challenge, so over the years, I looked for stretch roles and assignments. I have pivoted to a new role about every five years, always with the same objective – does this move align with my passion and purpose?

Throughout my career, some roles were presented to me through my network, while I sought others. Along the way, I’ve had mentors that saw my potential and helped me conquer my fear of unknown outcomes. I now acknowledge and celebrate ‘failures’ as learning experiences that strengthen my expertise and ability to manage crises in a purposeful way. I view every task as a building block toward my ultimate goal. When I am focused and intentional, the magic happens!

I fully believe that I “bloomed where I was planted" and was lucky to land in an environment that developed my career and nurtured my interpersonal relationships. BBH is like family to me. I have always enjoyed the work as much as I have enjoyed getting to know the people. You know you work at a special place when those two needs converge in a meaningful way.

What is reference data systems and why is it important?

The Reference Data System group translates business needs into data and analytical strategies by categorizing, clarifying and digitizing data to offer standard and accurate reference data, reduce the cost of data and operational management, minimize inefficiencies and errors, help meet new regulatory requirements and reduce time to market for new business.

Tell us about your involvement with Women in Technology (WIT).

WIT has been a game-changer for me. Women in Technology helps its members build a community through shared experiences and creates an outlet for story sharing. The network provides a connection to a diverse set of resources that can help guide and encourage a career path.

I joined WIT so I could share my experiences in the hopes that they would inspire program development and empower its members. I believe, sharing our career journeys is an important way to make potential roles relatable, attainable, and real. I have always felt strongly about mentoring as it can provide another opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and unlimited possibilities. Unexpected benefits of my involvement are that I am developing my public speaking skills and motivational speaking is becoming a passion of mine. I have expanded my network and met so many interesting people with shared interests. I would encourage anyone who has not joined WIT to consider joining for the rich experience this community offers.

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