Our Commitment
BBH has been in business for more than 200 years. Sustainability—a steadfast commitment to long-term value and well-being—is core to who we are. We will steward that commitment well into the future—for our clients, our people, and our communities.
Global operations come with global complexities. Building long-term value demands resiliency and the disciplined management of evolving risks. We continue to ensure that our governance contributes to the strength and stability of our industry. And we commit not only to ensuring the positive impact of our own business, but also to examining and exerting our broader influence over our suppliers and investments.
Our Clients—trust us every day with their investments, their operations, and their financial goals. To sustain their success in the long term, we must provide thoughtful and anticipatory solutions that align with their best interests and values. We must also do our part to ensure our clients can depend on the continuity, security, and stability of our operations—and the financial industry more broadly—over the long term.
Our People—the talented BBH team, must meet our clients’ needs, striving for the highest standards of teamwork, integrity, and excellence. We, in turn, must cultivate innovation and performance by recruiting and supporting a diverse set of skills and perspectives, providing all BBHers with an inclusive environment that empowers them to contribute and succeed in their professional and personal lives.
Our Communities—extend far beyond our office walls. We must do our share to minimize threats to a healthy planet and make a positive contribution to the communities in which we do business. Ultimately, sustainability comes from running our firm responsibly and ethically, while contributing positively to our clients, our people, and our communities for generations to come.