ESG Considerations and Sustainable Investing

A material impact area for our clients

Our Goal

We believe that integrating material ESG factors as part of our investment approach helps us to better manage risk and enhance returns. Additionally, we partner with our private clients to understand and align their investments and plans with their vision and values, employing BBH and third-party investment strategies, which may include Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) and ESG approaches.

As the world continues to evolve, ESG and sustainability issues have become increasingly important to society, our stakeholders, and investment managers across the globe – including BBH. We believe investment strategies that reflect certain ESG attributes play an important role in helping to meet values-based goals while enabling us to preserve and grow our clients’ capital over long periods of time.

We provide investment management services to individual and institutional clients around the world – embedding ESG criteria in our investment process for BBH equity strategies, corporate bonds, municipal debt, and structured products. Evaluation of ESG factors is a critical part of our investment philosophy and core principles that aid us in effectively assessing the long-term sustainability and durability of these strategies. ESG criteria are embedded within our analysis and decision-making process within these strategies, and every new investment is evaluated through rigorous fundamental analysis, which includes ESG-considerations.1

As an advisor to private business owners, individual families, and endowments and foundations, BBH focuses on helping clients achieve sustainable outcomes as they deploy their resources to influence the issues important to them. Now, more than ever, values, definitions, and goals related to sustainable investing are a focus for many clients, but also highly personal. Since there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, we view sustainable investing not as a product, but as an approach.

To help clients navigate these complex decisions, BBH starts each relationship with a robust conversation about each client’s values and objectives. We then use those values as our guiding principles, advising our clients in their pursuit of thriving families, sustainable portfolios, and impactful philanthropy – according to their definition of success. As part of our diligence process, we also engage 100% of our investment manager partners on ESG considerations.

To learn more on ESG Integration in Investment Management, read our ESG Position Statement. To learn more on ESG integration in BBH Capital Partners, read our BBHCP ESG Policy Statement.

In addition to identifying financially material risks and opportunities when building and managing portfolios, an important part of our investment process is our engagement with companies and issuers.

To learn more about how we engage with companies and issuers, read our Investment Management Investment Stewardship Policy.

To learn more about how we consider climate in our investment process, read our Investment Management Climate Change Statement.

To learn more on how we advise clients on their sustainable investing and ESG approach, read our Sustainable Investing and ESG homepage.

UN Sustainable Development Goal Alignment

Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

Core Program Components

  • Our investment process integratesion of ESG-related factors in our investment process across BBH equity strategies, corporate bonds, municipal debt, and structured products.
  • Read our ESG Position Statement.

  • We offer engagement with our clients about their goals, market trends, and how ESG criteria is incorporated into BBH’s investment process.

  • We offer educational sessions on ESG integration and best practices on a regular basis.
  • We collaborate with the Executive Sustainability Council and across lines of business on the ESG landscape and what it means to BBH, our clients, and our stakeholders.

  • We participate in ESG conferences and communicate with specialist research firms, thought leaders, and our international network of investors.

  • We are committed to the evaluation of ESG factors as part of our investment research process because it helps us effectively assess the long-term sustainability and durability of the companies we invest in.
  • We take a bottom-up fundamental approach to investing, identifying businesses that have the potential to compound capital through market cycles and make effective management decisions that lead to strong governance, key stakeholder relationships, and excellent social practices.
  • We help clients realize socially responsible investment (SRI) mandates through portfolio customization, ongoing analysis, shareholder engagement, and integration of MSCI ESG Research data points through a sustainable portfolio optimization process.
  • Learn more about our approach to sustainable investing.

  • Our proprietary values-based planning framework helps clients uncover their values and use them to make decisions about how wealth is invested, saved, spent, and given away.
  • We work with families to create customized programs that demonstrate how how their values can drive decision-making in regards to investing, planning, and charitable giving. 
  • BBH’s Center for Women & Wealth engages and supports women in the creation and management of wealth to create a dynamic and inclusive environment for conversations about family, wealth, and values.
  • Learn more about Values-Based Planning.

  • We strive to help clients become strategic philanthropists by defining the role of philanthropy in the client’s life and the estate plan, setting structure to maximize impacts, creating a framework for governance/administration, and crafting a strategic plan to design grants and measure impact.
  • We support the process by helping donors investigate innovative ways of structuring charitable activities, including hybrid vehicles.
  • Learn more about Philanthropic Advisory.
  • PRI

    BBH Investment Management* became a signatory in 2020

  • 100 %

    of third-party managers evaluated against ESG criteria in annual reviews

  • 65 %

    BBH Investment Management AUM with ESG integration

  • 81 %

    of AUM managed by investment managers with an ESG policy statement

* BBH combined its Private Banking and Investment Management lines of business into a single line of business as of January 1, 2024. As a result of the combined businesses, the BBH signatory to the UN PRI will change in 2025.

Based on 2023 data

2023 Stewardship Report

BBH’s Sustainability efforts are built on a foundation of transparency and accountability and are made stronger by the input and counsel of all our stakeholders. In the pages that follow, we invite you to take a comprehensive and holistic look at the progress we made in 2023 and learn how BBH is tapping into its unique market position, skills, and capabilities to create a more sustainable society in collaboration with our clients, our people, and our communities.

1A less favorable ESG profile may not preclude the manager from investing in a company, as the consideration of ESG factors is not more influential than the consideration of other investment criteria.

Investing in securities that meet ESG criteria may result in the fund forgoing otherwise attractive opportunities, which may result in underperformance when compared to funds that do not consider ESG factors.  A less favorable ESG profile may not preclude the Adviser from investing in a company, as the consideration of ESG factors is not more influential than the consideration of other investment criteria.

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