Investment Strategy

Debt and equity investments across control and non-control transactions

A flexible investment mandate

What makes us different? The flexibility of our investment mandate stands out for management teams and co-investors. We evaluate both control and non-control transactions and can invest in a range of securities, including equity, subordinated debt, or some combination of the two. Unlike many other firms, there is no set formula for the equity/debt split. The result? A customized capital structure for each situation.

Transaction Types

Control Transactions
We take a majority stake in the company and serve as the financial sponsor:
  • The typical structure includes a one-stop junior capital solution composed of an equity and subordinated debt investment by BBH.
  • This is an attractive option to owner-operators focused on the certainty of close that comes with one junior capital provider.


Minority/Non-Control Transactions
We are the lone institutional investor with a minority stake in an owner-operated business, otherwise a significant minority investor in a business with institutional investors seeking an additional financial partner:
  • We typically structure investments as straight preferred or common equity, or some combination of equity and subordinated debt.
  • Our investments are ideal for family-owned or privately held businesses in need of capital but seeking to retain economic control.
Partnering with Operating Executives or Other Investors
  • We provide a mix of equity and subordinated debt to a family investment office or fundless sponsor with an existing portfolio company or new investment opportunity that requires a primary capital provider.
  • We back executives with capital to complete a management or leveraged buyout of a business identified by the executive or us.

In minority/non-control transactions and when partnering with operating executives or investors, our capital supports management buyouts, growth, recapitalizations, venture-backed companies whose investor base may have varying liquidity goals, or investors seeking capital for partial liquidity and/or growth.

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1BBH sponsors UCITS Funds registered in Luxembourg, in certain jurisdictions. For information on those funds, please see

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