BBH Connectors

Open-architecture technology and data solutions for your operating model

Business runs better with partners

Operating models are complex. In today’s vast financial ecosystem, your operating model can’t stand in isolation. It must exist cohesively with other market players with the ability to leverage the right solutions for your business when and where you need them.

The BBH Connectors program gives you the power to build your optimal operating model. Our open-architecture solutions connect you to your providers and third-party partners, never boxing you into a one-size-fits-all model.

The investment landscape will continue to evolve at an accelerating pace. Make sure your operating model is ready to connect to the right solutions, at the right time.

BBH Connectors - 3rd Party Technology and Business Solutions

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    ESG Analytics

    Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are gaining traction as drivers of value and risk mitigation across an asset manager’s strategies. Access to data across the continuum of the investment lifecycle is a critical challenge.


    Work with the Connector to build ESG solutions that meet your strategic demands.






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    AI for Decision Making

    Identify opportunities to optimize your operating model through the application of AI, automation, and behavioral science against manual processes, tasks, and decisions.

    The Connector possesses top-tier industry, data, and computer science expertise to drive outcomes for your business. Work with the Connector to identify opportunities to efficiently deploy these technologies.



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    Insurance Accounting

    Leverage our provider of investment accounting and reporting solutions for insurance and reinsurance companies.


    The Connector provides daily accounting, compliance, performance, and risk reporting and analytics for our insurance and reinsurance clients.




    Clearwater Analytics

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    Class Action Recovery

    Today’s environment requires asset managers and banks to keep pace with increasing demands in the areas of shareholder litigation. By working with a specialist, clients can maximize recovery opportunities and make informed decisions through a global monitoring and governance process.

    The Connector provides comprehensive class action monitoring and recovery solutions to institutional clients.


    Financial Recovery Technologies

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    Outsourced Trading

    Market demand for outsourced trading is growing among investment managers as they seek to enhance trading performance, manage costs, and optimize their trading desk.


    The Connector offers tailor-made equity trading solutions to provide clients with choice and flexibility in their operating model.




    Tourmaline Partners

BBH Connectors - BBH Built Technology and Business Solutions

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    FX Execution

    Asset managers may look to optimize their business models in many different ways – seeking efficiencies that reduce in-house costs and risks, launching new products, reducing fees, and maximizing distribution. At the same time, asset managers may seek to ensure that they have the transparency to deliver proper oversight of investment activity and tools they can use to demonstrate performance to their investors.

    We help our clients bring a consistent, transparent, and automated execution approach to their investors through the development of a third-party automated FX solution for security related FX, which has since grown to include restricted market and corporate action capabilities. Our multi-custodian capabilities can be applied across both funds and segregated mandates.  

  • NAV Oversight

    Global managers face the challenge of ever-increasing oversight and control obligations over their third-party service providers, especially when operational resources are already balancing competing priorities ranging from market volatility to fee compression and other regulatory obligations. These factors are driving many to consider a more efficient and scalable NAV oversight program.


    Through our scalable, independent NAV oversight solution you can demonstrate oversight across your various fund accounting service providers, and easily obtain key metrics, analytics and reporting for boards and stakeholders.

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    Data Integration

    Fast access to reliable data facilitates decision-making, helps uncover opportunities for growth, alleviates risk, and differentiates in a crowded market. We offer a pragmatic approach to transforming your middle and back office through our modular platform of technology and data solutions.


    We have a powerful data integration engine that streamlines data transfers, standardizes information flows, and creates a secure, flexible data connectivity layer that is under your control, helping to insulate you from the distractions of multiplying data sources, new data formats, counterparty changes, and SWIFT compliance. We also facilitate API-enabled data transmission across your operating model.  

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    Currency Administration

    With numerous forces placing pressure on asset managers to rationalize costs, grow assets, and ensure rigorous oversight across their entire business, asset managers may be focused on improving management of FX requirements by seeking operational optimization and simplification while retaining control and transparency.

    We specialize in innovative and flexible currency hedging solutions for asset managers with international portfolios and/or multi-currency share class offerings. Our solution is scalable, low touch and encompasses end-to-end program implementation design, daily monitoring, trade calculation, trade execution and detailed reporting.

Contact Us

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