Sustainable Investing and ESG

Aligning your portfolio with your values

What does sustainable investing mean to you?

Every part of our relationship is driven by your goals and values. For those who want to achieve their sustainable investment goals, we undergo a deeply personal process that requires careful, purposeful planning. First, we identify your values, priorities, and short- and long-term goals to help you create a plan for making a positive impact. Equipped with this understanding of your current circumstances and objectives, we customize your sustainable investment portfolio to meet your goals.

What We Believe: BBH’s Eight Principles of Sustainable Investing

We offer eight principles that help guide our thinking about sustainable investing and how we incorporate those beliefs into client portfolios.

BBH is a United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) signatory, currently through our Investment Management discipline1. In addition, more than 80% of the managers we recommend in our most commonly implemented model portfolio are PRI signatories.

How We Help Clients

We use the following definitions to describe the sustainable investment landscape and our solutions, as the nomenclature across the industry varies.

Broad term denoting investment approaches that incorporate client values, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, and impact goals.

  • ESG Investing

    • Incorporating ESG criteria into investment decision-making to manage the risk in our clients’ portfolios and generate sustainable, long-term returns.2
    • The managers on our platform are active, bottom-up fundamental investors with a quality bias and align well with ESG investing.
  • Socially Responsible Investing

    • Investing in alignment with a client’s personal investment criteria. We work with clients to incorporate their values into their portfolios.
  • Donating time, talent, ties, and treasure (assets) to nonprofit organizations to give back, help communities, set an example for one’s family, and leave a legacy.
  • We advise clients on a comprehensive set of philanthropic topics and help clients engage family members in their philanthropy.

Investing for Good: Aligning Your Investments and Your Philanthropy

We discuss the ways in which the worlds of investing and philanthropy are becoming more integrated and the importance of cross-generational conversations around this topic.

2023 Stewardship Report

BBH’s Sustainability efforts are built on a foundation of transparency and accountability and are made stronger by the input and counsel of all our stakeholders. In the pages that follow, we invite you to take a comprehensive and holistic look at the progress we made in 2023 and learn how BBH is tapping into its unique market position, skills, and capabilities to create a more sustainable society in collaboration with our clients, our people, and our communities.

Where We Help

Investing according to your principles requires careful execution. We focus on aligning your portfolio with your sustainable investment goals.
  • Define Sustainable Investing Goals

    Leverage proprietary tools to facilitate and define values and sustainable investing goals

  • BBH’s Investment Philosophy

    Apply bottom-up, fundamental investment approach with a bias toward quality business that aligns well with long-term sustainable investing

  • Portfolio Analysis

    Conduct extensive review of existing holdings to understand the sustainable investing profile of your policy portfolio

  • Sustainable Portfolio Optimization and Implementation

    Invest in “best-in-class” managers that maximize criteria set forth by you

  • Monitoring

    Conduct regular review of portfolio to understand changes to its sustainable investing profile and developments that may be important to you

  • Shareholder Engagement via Proxy Voting

    Provide support in electing to participate in proxy voting directly or utilize an industry-leading proxy advisory service

How We Work With Clients

A multigenerational family approached BBH about managing its wealth. The family wanted to invest in line with its values; members had specific industries they would not invest in – including alcohol, tobacco and gambling – and guidelines around what share of the portfolio could be involved in these businesses.

After working with the family to outline its objectives and creating an actionable plan, BBH built a portfolio that eliminated the large majority of shares of companies that produce and market products that did not meet the family’s investment criteria. To ensure alignment and transparency for the client, we continue to monitor and report on the family’s objective quarterly.

A nonprofit that was a UN PRI signatory approached BBH for assistance with managing its endowment. The organization wanted to build a portfolio that included businesses that fit with its values and also required that the managers of its portfolio had formal ESG policies that were integrated and used in investment decisions. In addition, because the nonprofit was a UN PRI signatory, it had specific reporting requirements related to responsible investing, including Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) analyses.

BBH worked with the organization to build a portfolio that also met its specific ESG requirements. In addition, we helped the nonprofit carry out its required UN PRI reporting. Finally, we implement custom proxy voting on behalf of the organization through a third-party provider.

Contact Us

1 BBH combined its Private Banking and Investment Management lines of business into a single line of business as of January 1, 2024. As a result of the combined businesses, the BBH signatory to the UN PRI will change in 2025.
2 A less favorable ESG profile may not preclude a manager from investing in a company, as the consideration of ESG factors is not more influential than the consideration of other investment criteria.

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1BBH sponsors UCITS Funds registered in Luxembourg, in certain jurisdictions. For information on those funds, please see

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