On Leadership Qualities: Courage Is Critical
My shortlist of leadership qualities includes: vision, drive, courage, resilience, confidence, humility, compassion, and a bias toward action. You have to be a great storyteller and paint a picture that makes people want to follow you. You also have to have grit and be able to persevere through the inevitable ups and downs. You cannot afford to have a bad day because there are people relying on you to succeed so that they can put food on their table and provide a future for their children. Shouldering that kind of responsibility takes real courage.
On Giving: Impactful Philanthropy
My personal philanthropy is centered around causes affecting women and children. For me, giving back is all about providing access and opportunity to disadvantaged children and empowering women. I once had a client ask me why I was on the board of Franciscan Children’s Hospital when there were other, more prestigious hospital boards that I could join. I told him that it was because they needed me more, and I could have a greater impact. I have always been attracted to promoting the underdog.
On the Importance of Women’s Education: Developing Leaders
One of the things I am proudest of is my work with Simmons College, where I am in my second three-year term as chair of the board. Simmons is committed to educating women in its undergraduate college. Most women’s colleges in the country are experiencing declining enrollments at a precipitous rate. Simmons was experiencing this three years ago as well. At that time, we retained a consultant who was charged with interviewing high school students to find out what they were looking for in a college. What we learned was that, all things being equal, high school students would prefer not to attend a single-sex college. However, what trumped that preference was a college that prepared them for leadership or was committed to social justice.
Armed with that insight, Simmons set out to revamp its entire undergraduate curriculum to focus on preparing women for leadership – not just what it means to be a leader in the C-suite, but what it means to be a responsible citizen, a leader in the community, and a champion of social justice. When we went out to recruit our next class of high school students with this new curriculum, our first-year enrollments jumped, and we have now had three consecutive years of record enrollments.
On Failure: Disappointments Are Inevitable – Do Not Let Them Get in Your Way
When I first applied to Goodwin as a summer associate, I was rejected. The next year, I approached the firm again saying that I wanted to return for another set of interviews and that while I was rejected the prior summer, I believed this was the firm where I should be. After my interview, I got an offer and joined Goodwin following law school. Many years later, my mother found the original rejection letter and framed it next to the announcement of my appointment as chairman and managing partner of Goodwin.