Privately Held and Family-Owned Businesses

Helping you and your business achieve your vision of success

Advice and capital from one private business owner to another

No two businesses are alike. That’s why we start with the big picture when helping you achieve your vision of success for your business. First, we look at your business’s mission, capital needs, governance structures, succession plan, and long-term strategic objectives. We then build a plan to help you grow your business, strengthen governance and communication practices, and ultimately transition your company – all in line with your values and definition of success.


As private business owners ourselves, the advice we provide comes from 200 years of experience. We deliver the highest level of service, expertise, and insight when helping you achieve your goals. Our thoughtful, consultative approach prioritizes long-term value over short-term thinking. Consider us a partner on the business ownership journey.

Owner to Owner Spring Issue 2025

In this issue of Owner to Owner, we review the state of the business environment and discuss what it takes for a multigenerational family business to be successful. We also explore the various meanings of legacy and lay out strategies for capital allocation for private business owners.

Advice on Issues Facing Your Company

Business owners are confronted with myriad issues and decisions every day. Let us be your first call no matter the situation. As your partner on the business ownership journey, we’ll deliver the highest level of service, expertise, and insight to help you achieve your business and personal goals. With partnership, it’s possible. 

Capital to Grow and Support Your Business

Capital can take many forms. We work with you to understand your business and industry and then provide debt or equity capital to help you support or grow your business.

Guidance for Family Businesses Around Transition

There’s no denying that family businesses face a complex set of issues specific to both family and family business ownership. Whether you are a founder or a next-generation owner-operator, we’re here to provide advice, insights, and resources on a range of family business ownership topics, supporting you through any challenge, no matter how difficult. We’ve spent decades honing our deep subject-matter expertise and started as a family business ourselves over 200 years ago.

Capital Allocation for Private Business Owners

Head of Corporate Advisory John Secor discusses the importance of proper capital allocation for private company business owners and breaks down how to develop the framework for making such decisions.

As private business owners ourselves, we understand what it takes to navigate the journey of business ownership. Our mission is to build long-term relationships with the owners and managers of private companies by helping them accomplish their goals. We want to be their first call for any decision they’re grappling with.

Solutions to help you achieve your business objectives

  • Corporate Advisory

    Corporate finance advice and support throughout the business life cycle

  • Corporate Banking

    Comprehensive lending platform

  • Private Equity

    Highly customized capital solutions for lower middle-market businesses

  • Center for Family Business

    Advice and support regarding issues facing family businesses

  • Family Office Advisory

    Custom advice and solutions to help you manage life’s complexities

  • Multi-Family Office

    Comprehensive solutions to help you achieve your unique goals

Our Latest Insights

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