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Publications and Insights

BBH subject matter experts offer their opinions, strategies, and observations on a broad range of timely and relevant topics affecting the rapidly changing global financial landscape.
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  • Futuristic earth map technology showing red dots across the projected map

    Capital Partners Insights Newsletter

    A newsletter covering the impact of current events on areas such as the markets, investing, wealth planning and business ownership.

  • aerial view of colorful container ship vessels at sunset in clear blue water

    Commodity Markets Update

    An analysis of the physical commodity markets.

  • Upward view of a skyscraper with sunlight

    Exchange Thoughts

    A newsletter dedicated to exploring recent developments in the ETF space.

  • Wall Street sign with American flags and New York Stock Exchange in New York City

    Investment Management Insights

    Monthly and quarterly commentaries on our Investment Management Strategies as well as periodic insights.

  • Dandelion seeds blowing in the wind


    A quarterly investing and wealth planning publication.

  • Wavy futuristic code colorful dotted lines on a purple/blue background

    Mind on the Markets Quarterly

    A comprehensive market overview complete with currency forecasts, country snapshots, sovereign rating, and equity allocation models.

  • Grey marble column details on building with the sun shining coming from the left of the building

    On the Regs

    Stay up to date on the latest regulatory developments with our quarterly newsletter.

  • Details of an old stone arched walkway with stone columns

    Owner to Owner

    A quarterly publication providing insights on private business ownership and management.

  • Financial stock market graph displayed in bright orange on a black background

    Strategy Insights

    Timely updates on the market and economy.


  • View over Lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge with the city skyline in the background and dark, cloudy sky

    Structured Fixed Income Update

    Quarterly commentaries on our Structured Fixed Income Strategy as well as periodic insights.

  • Top view of multiracial young creative people in modern office. Group of young business people are working together with laptop, tablet, smart phone, notebook. Successful hipster team in coworking.

    The Fresh Take

    A quarterly email newsletter for the next generation, by the next generation.

  • Modern home office with a grey wall with photos hung on the wall, a tan couch with throw pillows, a leather chair, desktop computer on the desk, and black 3-tiered organization system.

    Women & Wealth Magazine

    A quarterly publication that focuses on entrepreneurship, philanthropy, children and wealth, aging, and leadership.

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1BBH sponsors UCITS Funds registered in Luxembourg, in certain jurisdictions. For information on those funds, please see bbhluxembourgfunds.com

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